Recently, my Hosting account received an upgrade on WordPress to version 3.5.2. Some immediate issues:
- Sudden increase in Spam user-comments
- Possibly coincidental, but can’t help wondering whether its associated with the upgrade, like maybe it caused blog pages to be more spam-machine-compatible? Just a gut-feeling, no knowledge or evidence.
- The volume was not impossible to handle manually, just irritating.
- I chose to enable a shielding-service. It seems to be working so far, blocking Spam but of course at the cost of discouraging user-comments, as well as some other things…
- Toolbar did not have the Indent button. In fact only the first half of that toolbar was present, buttons like Bold and Indent buttons are normally to be found in the second row of that toolbar, which was not present.
- Fix: Click the right-most button, whose ToolTip says, unhelpfully, “wordpress.wp_adv_desc” (sounds to me like some unfinished programming…). It enables the second row of the toolbar.
- Google:[wordpress 3.5.1 toolbar missing]
- Try clicking on the right-hand-most icon on the toolbar that is visible – the second toolbar should drop down.