Enabling multi-threading in AviSynth is dead-easy!
- Get Modified AviSynth MT
- Make a copy of the existing [avisynth.dll] on your system
- Replace the original [avisynth.dll] with the one from “Modified AviSynth MT”
- Use SetMTMode (with appropriate parameters) at the start of your script.
- In the case of my simple scripts, that appears to be sufficient!
- http://neuron2.net/www.math.berkeley.edu/benrg/avisynth-tutorial.html
- Avisynth scripting language tutorial
- http://avisynth.org/mediawiki/MT
- Multi-Threading in AviSynth
- No need to use the MT “filters”, instead use…
- modified avisynth MT (e.g. version
- Contains the two new functions SetMTMode() and GetMTMode() and is needed by MT.dll.
- Install it by overwriting avisynth.dll in your c:\windows\system32 (and remember to take a backup of the old file first).
- These functions enable avisynth to use more than one thread when processing filters.
- This is useful if you have more than one cpu/core or hyperthreading. This feature is still experimental.