What happens when Sony XDCAM Transfer is used, within or without FCP, to import XDCAM footage (BPAV folders etc.)? The following is my best guess at the moment, based on my experiences and web-searching.
- Logging is best done via ClipBrowser. That updates the meta-info of this “master source”, which may then feed downstream to other formats (mxf? mov?)
- The main function is to re-wrap to [.mov] files.
- These may be FCP-specific
- “.Mov’s containing XDCAM material are a very specific file, tailored for FCP. Even Premiere CS5 on a Mac doesn’t like them.” [http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-cinealta/480547-ex-workflow-do-you-keep-bpav-files.html]
- These may be FCP-specific
- Each time you start XDCAM Transfer, check the settings in Preferences, in particular for Import Location.
- The Cache location can instead be an application-specific, project-independent location.
- To import to FCP:
- Start XDCAM Transfer, by doing one of the following:
- From FCP, do one of the following:
- Menu: File > Import > Sony XDCAM
- Browser: RtClk > Import > Sony XDCAM
- Sadly, only ever imports to root of project, not to bin you right-clicked from…
- From MacOS:
- Start [XDCAM Transfer.app]
- Optionally, in Preferences, tick [Open imported files with: Final Cut Pro]
- From FCP, do one of the following:
- Can mark-up selected clip(s) – e.g. OK/NG – affects all (selected) clips straight away (no ‘go’ button…).
- Start XDCAM Transfer, by doing one of the following:
- XDCAM Transfer is not just an application but a package, including File Access Mode (FAM) Driver (for XDCAM disks), FCP Import and Export plugins and FCP Sequence presets.
- It can import not only raw BPAV folders (etc) but also MXF-Sony (I tried it).
- There is a Fetch Metadata option, but I have yet to see it have any effect – because as far as I can see all the metadata is displayed anyway. Possibly only useful for obscure situations e.g. if some data or thumbnails fail to appear http://forums.creativecow.net/thread/142/865859 or for a “clip or disc that contains modified essence marks” http://www.tapelessmadeeasy.com/2008/11/xdcam-transfer-update/
- Opinions are divided on whether or not to retain BPAV folders, but the balance is in favour of doing so [http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-cinealta/480547-ex-workflow-do-you-keep-bpav-files.html]