- Googled for instructions: http://forums.creativecow.net/thread/223/7928
- Noted the display must be the only one connected.
- I assume then this precludes the use of a laptop (whose screen cannot be disconnected).
- Also must be connected by USB
- Display was indeed connected by correct USB (to underside of monitor)
- Tried it from a Mac Pro > Boot Camp > Windows XP Pro (32)
- Failed – no USB connection recognized.
- I assume then it needs to be run from an actual PC (Desktop).
- In which case will have to arrange one…
- But then googled on [dreamcolor firmware update mac]
- Found some people who had succeeded with updating it from a Mac > BootCamp > Windows
- Found someone with problems with DreamColor used with a Mac
- Sounds like it’s important the Mac runs Snow Leopard, not Leopard, in order to avoid the issue where Apple Color uses gamma 2.2 whereas other apps (e.g. Final Cut etc.) use that older OS’s default gamma of 1.8.]
- Thinks: Maybe it’s the USB lead that’s the problem?
- DreamColor Developer’s white paper on using the monitor with a Mac