- http://www.facebook.com/ScriptSyncFans
- FaceBook page for Avid PhraseFind and ScriptSync.
- Was brought to my attention at http://community.avid.com/forums/p/88816/573611.aspx#573611
- FaceBook page for Avid PhraseFind and ScriptSync.
- http://avid.custkb.com/avid/app/selfservice/search.jsp?DocId=389887&ssdFilterCommunity15=1408&ssdFilterCommunity13=0&ssdFilterCommunity11=0&ssdFilterCommunity10=368&ssdFilter_SearchKeyWord=AMA&page=1&ssdSearchOperator=1&ssdFilterCommunity3=1079&Hilite=AMA
- Q: Can I use PhraseFind with AMA bins or bins opened from a different project?
- A: Yes, PhraseFind will index any bin with online media, including AMA bins or bins that show up under the Other Bins list.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhpdHZ3VYZM&feature=player_embedded
- Avid demo/tutorial on FIND functionality in Media Composer, including (towards the end) PhraseFind (also some brief glimpses of ScriptSync).