Sorenson 360 is a cloud-web-based video content and distribution management system. Superficially looks much like YouTube or Vimeo, but has multiple professional/enterprise “added value” features as well as integration with Sorenson Squeeze (naturally), WordPress and Drupal. The cheapest price plan is “Small Business”, at $99/month, which at time of writing equates to £61/month. There is a 30-day free trial featuring 1GB bandwidth (sic) and 1GB storage.
Web-Search Useful-Results:
- Can be a useful part of a streamlined/automated workflow. It is featured as such in use via an iPhone, at the end of the Sorenson Squeeze web-vid advert at, for the automated workflow aspects of Sorenson Squeeze. The advert says “Tired of waiting on your videos? Set your worklfow free with Sorenson Squeeze with best in class encoding speed and quality and included review and approval.”.
- No iPhone App exists (at time of writing) for Sorenson 360, their only Apps are utilities for deaf people. But just to ensure I don’t visit this “red herring” again in my searches, here are the details.
- Sorenson Video Center (App)
- This mobile version of the Video Center lets you view SignMail video messages and all other videos that are available on the Sorenson videophone right on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad device.
- This app is designed for deaf and hard-of-hearing customers of Sorenson Video Relay Service® (SVRS®).
videos that are available on the Sorenson videophone right on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad device.
- This app is designed for deaf and hard-of-hearing customers of Sorenson Video Relay Service® (SVRS®).
- Video advert-presentation. No sound, just signing…
- Sorenson Video Center (App)
- No iPhone App exists (at time of writing) for Sorenson 360, their only Apps are utilities for deaf people. But just to ensure I don’t visit this “red herring” again in my searches, here are the details.
- Sorenson 360 (I will abbreviate this to S360):
- Great video, informativerather than hard-sell. I learnt from this that:
- It is a bit like YouTube or Vimeo but:
- Integrated seamlessly within Squeeze.
- Squeeze allows a set of Presets under any input media, e.g. for transcode to multiple targets.
- S360 Presets are available, for format/compression settings (under Squeeze’s Sorenson, Formats and Workflows views)
- If an S360 preset is used, the result gets auto-uploaded to your S360 account.
- On the S360 webpage (for your account):
- Professional content (video) management, e.g. for sorting, activating/deactivating, analytics/web-stats.
- Can send (email) a PermaLink or Embed-Codefor a given video to anyone.
- You or a user can see the details of the preset used or can even download and reuse it.
- Can encode from the web-browser interface (still making use of Squeeze to do the encoding).
- Integration with WordPress (blog-editing):
- S360 can be integrated with WordPress editing, (via S360 plugin downloadable from, which adds a S360 option in WordPress editing sessions, under that session’s Settings side-menu. e.g. so one can, in the middle of blog-writing, browse thru S360 and “Add to Post” an embed-link for a chosen video.
- Pricing-plan is based on number of views (rather than harder-to-estimate technical numbers e.g. GB transfer volume).
- Integrated seamlessly within Squeeze.
- It is a bit like YouTube or Vimeo but:
- Great video, informativerather than hard-sell. I learnt from this that:
- Online video management / Video delivery network
- Content Management: Easily organize videos in folders and subfolders. Cohesively manage multiple users and projects with sub-accounts.
- High Quality Encoding: Take advantage of the integrated Squeeze Server uploader to deliver your video in the highest quality regardless of the format.
- Customized Players & Playlist: Fully customize white-label video players (with templates) & create playlists on the fly (or even automatically) with simple drag and drop functionality.
- Stay Connected: Customize your video sharing options. Share with a friend via email or post directly to your Facebook account.
- Multiple Web Formats: Deliver video in every flavor on the web. Manage Flash, MPEG-4, QuickTime, WebM, and Windows Media video simultaneously.
- Intelligent Embed Codes: A Sorenson exclusive offering that includes native support for Smart Phones, Tablets and
other devices.
- Further details:
- Supports Multi-user and Sub-Accounts.
- Integrated Facebook sharing
- Input Formats: AAC, HE-AAC, AIFF, ASF, AVI, DV, MOV, MP3, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WAV, WMA, WMV
- Pricing:
- “Small Business” (the cheapest option): $99/month
- BANDWIDTH: 50GB, STORAGE: 10GB, VIDEO DURATIONS: unlimited, ENCODING BITRATES: unlimited, #Of Users: 10.
- The cheapest price plan is “Small Business”, at $99/month, which at time of writing equates to £61/month. There is a 30-day free trial featuring 1GB bandwidth (sic) and 1GB storage.
- Online video management / Video delivery network
- Sorenson 360 is a video hosting service aimed at individuals, small businesses and other content creators to share video over the Web.
- Users can encode their videos as Flash or H.264 files using Sorenson Squeeze 5 or Squish, a Java applet that runs in a browser.
- The new ability lets Sorenson 360 users encode and publish video content optimized for direct viewing by iPhone users. Sorenson 360 will detect how the user is accessing the video file–through a regular desktop browser on a computer, or through the Mobile Safari browser on the iPhone. Based on that info, Sorenson 360 then delivers a video file using the appropriate format.
- The service works with all versions of the iPhone and iPod touch. Videos for the iPhone are encoded using the H.264 format with MP4 output, up to 1Mbps, 640 x 480 pixels and 30 frames per second.
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