Problems when I first tried it (ultimately I just adapted a pre-built project by a much more experienced user):
- Wrap % only goes to 100%, can’t use that to stretch a strip to repeat itself twice – is there another way to do that?
- Tried specifying a bitmap to go round the sphere. File “world.topo.200407.3x21600x10800.jpg”. Image size is 21600×10800. Fails: image too large.
- Using separate graphical editor (Gimp 2), scale the image to width 4096 (height locked by aspect ratio is 2048)
- Boris now accepts it but scales-up the sphere to accomodate the image rather than scale-down the image to match the existing sphere size. So it now fills the screen…
- Enter X-scale 40 (Y and Z are linked to this). Sphere now looks good match in size to the belt.