Oops, this is one post I left in “Draft” too long. It was about the weekend before last…
Spurred on by Den Lennie’s tutorials on shooting B-Roll, I grabbed the camera (EX3) and filters etc. to have a “play” in the garden, shooting stuff to edit together into a pleasant sequence of some sort.
The intention was to present the floral aspects of the property in an elegant easy-going fashion with occasional quirks like my girlfriend. While shooting, the dog (a toy poodle) kept pestering me for attention, because obviously the only important thing in the world is playing ball. It seemed best to “go with the flow”, so I assigned said canine a principal role.
This turned out to be a 4-hour shoot (with interruptions) of about 150 clips total duration about an hour. It took another 4 hours at least (with interruptions) to ingest, catalogue and convert the clips (into MXF, for Sony Vegas) and probably about 8 hours of editing, plus a little further shooting etc. In an ideal world there’d be no need to grade, but in reality some tweaks were necessary for continuity, especially since the lighting (sun/cloud) conditions were very changeable.
Hopefully I’ll get it finished soon,along with the rest of my backlog, which now includes a Diwali corporate event and wrangling / editing my own version of a music video in good old faithful Final Cut Pro 7.