Want a mobile “suitcase” editing system, something more (and more expandable) than a laptop but not too expensive. Primarily to be used for Adobe CS5.5 for media enhancement / editing / compositing etc.
Nearest I found was NextDimension’s range around $7000 I think (but just guesswork – could be way off – would need to get a quote). That would (if true) be around £4500 at current rates. Plus import… NextDimension call such machines “flextops” (Maybe they coined the term? Google searches on it mostly come up with them.)
Apart from the (mil/broadcast-lite but me-heavy) price, it might possibly be undesirably heavy to lug around much. If so (just guessing, not assuming), it would make more sense to go for a modular quick-setup system. So, starting to “think different” in this direction:
- Standard tower, capable of taking new CUDA etc. graphics cards etc. as they emerge, but no need for more than say a couple of disks, maybe if SSD could even get away with just a single disk? (For system and media – inadvisable for traditional disks of course, what about for SSD’s? I have much to learn about SSD’s though).
- “Laptop-Lite” to talk to it. With robust shuttered-stereoscopic HD monitor.
- Gigabit network to NAS fast storage (SSD and/or RAID ?).
Maybe in that case it would be far more logical/affordable to use an existing laptop as a client working together with a luggable tower server, sufficiently light and robust for frequent dis/re -connection and travel. And remote access of course (no heavy data to be exchanged, assume that’s already sync’d). And some means to easily swap/sync applications and projects (data) between laptop and tower, giving the option to use just the (old) laptop on its own if needed. All such options are handy for the travelling dude (working on train, social visits etc.) who also occasionally has to do heavy processing. Then would just need a protective suitcase for the tower, plus another one for a decent monitor for grading etc.
I certainly won’t be spending anything just yet, but it’s good to have at least some kind of “radar”.
Some web-research. I didn’t find exactly what I wanted, including price range, but here are some things “around the edge” of what I think I’d like:
- NextComputing Vigor EX
- http://www.nextcomputing.com/images/products/vigor-ex-tripledisplay-highrez.jpg
- http://www.nextcomputing.com/products/rugged-portables/vigor-ex
- http://www.mil-embedded.com/products/search/fm/id/?47589
- http://www.nextcomputing.com/company/news/252-new-rugged-portable-workstation-from-nextcomputing-delivers-high-performance-computing-in-tough-environments
- Somewhat beyond my ruggedness needs, not to mention price range (I strongly suspect).
- MaxPac 8200, workstation-in-a-box
- http://www.engadget.com/2004/05/04/mobile-video-editing-workstation-in-a-box/
- $16,900
- … (smelling-salts) …
- Desktop vs Laptop for Video Editing
- http://www.dvdyourmemories.com/blog/video-editing-desktop-computer-laptop-computer/
- Not sure I agree with all of this – e.g. laptops can use external disks via FW800, ExpressPort/GigaBit-Network etc.
- NextDimension
- The Evo is an “evolution” of the original Pro mode.
- Price is really hard to find, they ask people to submit for a quote. However the following possibly gives at least some idea of the general scale:
- http://www.pcdistrict.com/nextdimension-rve-the-new-video-editing-workstation-on-the-go-review6294-21.html
- NextDimension RVE – The New Video Editing Workstation On The Go
- Seems to be from Adobe CS4 days. So at best only a rough guide to the current price.
- That product’s pricing starts (started) at $6,380 for a stand-alone system.
- <<The NextDimension RVE is competitively priced with a comparably-equipped tower workstation with HD monitor, and costs less than a workstation and high-end notebook combined.>>
- NextDimension RVE – The New Video Editing Workstation On The Go
- http://www.pcdistrict.com/nextdimension-rve-the-new-video-editing-workstation-on-the-go-review6294-21.html
- It’s also the Vigor but without quite so much ruggedization:
- http://www.experts123.com/q/where-can-i-get-more-information-on-the-vigor-evo-hd.html
- <<We created the Vigor Evo HD by enclosing the NextDimension Evo HD in a floating, ruggedized chassis. Therefore, all information found on the site about the NextDimension Evo HD, including the NextDimension FAQ, applies to the Vigor Evo HD>>
- http://www.experts123.com/q/where-can-i-get-more-information-on-the-vigor-evo-hd.html
- NextDimension Pro
- http://www.nextcomputing.com/products/portable-workstations/nextdimension-pro
- http://www.engadget.com/2007/05/19/8-core-nextdimension-pc-stretches-the-definition-of-portable/
- Yes, that was indeed back in 2007, yes five years ago…
- http://gadgets.softpedia.com/gadgets/Portable-computing-systems/NextComputing-Next-Dimension-EVO-HD-system-8922.html
- NextDimension Evo
- http://www.nextcomputing.com/products/portable-workstations/nextdimension-evo
- The NextDimension Evo expands on our original “flextop” model, the NextDimension Pro.
- With the addition of greater I/O capabilities and more storage, the NextDimension Evo truly is an evolution in high-performance mobile computing.
- http://www.nextcomputing.com/products/portable-workstations/nextdimension-evo
- NextDimension Evo & HD
- http://www10.edacafe.com/nbc/articles/view_article.php?articleid=343117&interstitial_displayed=Yes
- The NextDimension Evo and Evo HD both retain ” flextop features,” like open standards architecture, flexible I/O options, upgradeability, high performance processing, and extreme graphics capabilities. The Evo models significantly increase open standards I/O options, maximizing the flexibility to customize for specific applications, such as those that are graphically intensive and/or require both high end graphics and video.
- The Evo is intended for use as a workstation and/or server in simply the smallest form-factor available. The Evo maximizes precious work space for the engineer, developer, or designer who requires intensive processing performance and expanded open standard I/O options.
- The Evo HD features an integrated hi-definition display. This all-in-one box solution is an ideal platform for a number of portable applications, such as intensive graphical application demonstrations and remote digital recording/editing.
- So, if only the price were acceptable, the Evo HD would be the thing. I don’t assume that (price) but plough on, inquisitively….
- http://www10.edacafe.com/nbc/articles/view_article.php?articleid=343117&interstitial_displayed=Yes
- Graphic Card Choice
- NAS/Router/Wifi
- Who needs the fast-storage (RAID/SSD/StorageSpaces/???) on the tower?? NAS has the advantages of modularity, sharability and WIndows/Mac interoperability – well in some respects at least (I found if I copy some QuickTime-ProRes to NAS then they can “lose properties” – or is it just me?).
- This is a gap in my knowledge, filling it is critical ! Need to know more and do experiments…
- Google: [nas router wifi]
- http://accessories.euro.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=uk&l=en&s=dhs&cs=ukdhs1&sku=A4186020&~ck=baynoteSearch&baynote_bnrank=0&baynote_irrank=0%&dgc=SS&cid=41147&lid=1069636&acd=23975883824506361
- D-Link Xtreme N Storage Router DIR-685 – Wireless router – 4-port switch – Gigabit Ethernet – 802.11b/g/n (draft 2.0) – desktop
- …wireless N router, a built-in Network Attached Storage (NAS), digital photo frame, and D-Link Green power saving features…
- http://accessories.euro.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=uk&l=en&s=dhs&cs=ukdhs1&sku=A4186020&~ck=baynoteSearch&baynote_bnrank=0&baynote_irrank=0%&dgc=SS&cid=41147&lid=1069636&acd=23975883824506361
- [pocket router] ???
- They certainly exist. Collaboration on a train/picnic? No central storage, just shared folders etc. and replicated heavy media? (idea inspired by a story at one of the above links)
- Who needs the fast-storage (RAID/SSD/StorageSpaces/???) on the tower?? NAS has the advantages of modularity, sharability and WIndows/Mac interoperability – well in some respects at least (I found if I copy some QuickTime-ProRes to NAS then they can “lose properties” – or is it just me?).