- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_anomaly_detector
- Magnetic anomaly detector
- http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/~wu/Goph547/CSM_MagNotes.pdf
- Geophysical Surveying Using Magnetics Methods
- Magnetometer Sites:
- http://spears.lancs.ac.uk/samnet/
- BOR: Borok, CIS
- CRK: Crooktree, UK
- ESK: Eskdalemuir, UK. BGS station, but archived at 1s resolution by SAMNET
- FAR: Faroes
- HAN: Hankasalmi, Finland. IMAGE station, but archived at 1s resolution by SAMNET
- HAD: Hartland, UK. BGS station, but archived at 1s resolution by SAMNET
- HLL: Hella, Iceland.
- KIL: Kilpisjärvi, Finland. IMAGE station, but archived at 1s resolution by SAMNET
- LAN: Lancaster, UK.
- LER: Lerwick, UK. BGS station, but archived at 1s resolution by SAMNET
- NUR: Nurmijärvi, Finland. IMAGE station, but archived at 1s resolution by SAMNET
- OUJ: Oulujärvi, Finland. IMAGE station, but archived at 1s resolution by SAMNET
- UPS: Uppsala, Sweden. Geological Survey of Sweden station
- http://blog.stevemarple.co.uk/
- A hi-tech, relatively low-cost (?) garden magnetometer. Under development.
- “a simple, low-cost, battery-powered magnetometer for auroral alerts and citizen science”
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