Backed-up to my new RAID1 USB drive:
- Backed-up Mac volume to “Macintosh HD 2009-04-21.dmg”. Presumably I did this via Disk Utility from bootable CD.
- Tried backing-up XP volume by using WinClone. Normally a smooth process but this time I ran into difficulties.
Difficulties backing-up Windows (BootCamp-XP) via WinClone:
- First I used WinClone>Tools to shrink the partition, so as to minimise size of required partition on which to restore the (eventual) backup. This took about two hours to complete.
- Next I used WinClone>Image in an attempt to make an image of the (shrunk) XP volume. It progressed extremely slowly, for about an hour or more, than, at only 20% completed, it aborted. Error: “create failed – input output error“.
- Tried booting the XP volume and it ran a Windows Disk Check, finding no errors, after which I diverted its auto-reboot back to Mac for a retry of WinClone. Same error as before.
- WinClone forum contained postings by people who experienced similar problems: [], []
- Main suggestions from others in theforum were to do a Disk Check (already had) and to actually boot the windows fully (maybe it can sort itself out?)