Mac – Finder Alternatives that I am evaluating

I downloaded these ones, for trial:

  • PathFinder []
    • “Path Finder’s goal is to fill the gap between Apple’s Finder and the command line environment by integrating many different features usually found in external applications into a single, powerful interface.”.
    • Not sure I need it.  And for sending files to applications, QuickSilver may be better.
  • Leap []
    • Intriguing, because (like I have imagined for myself) it allows the user to cut/slice files from a multitude of perspectives.  You can go down the folder hierarchy or have a flattened view of all files, filtered by tags (that you define).  Many variations on these ideas.
  • Rage Macintosh Explorer []
    • Is very like Windows Explorer, comfortable to use and clear.  And the path is always displayed, in editable form (so it can be copied).  I like it.

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