Avid Log Exchange (ALE) is an Avid log file format that has become a de facto standard in the post industry. It is a text-based metadata exchange format used in applications from telecine to standalone logging applications, and is supported by many NLEs. The ALE format is based on a Comma or Tab -delimited file format.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avid_Log_Exchange
- Avid Log Exchange (ALE) is a platform-independent file format primarily intended for exchanging video logging data. ALE files are in ASCII format with data fields delimited by commas or tabs.
- http://www.studiodaily.com/main/minisites/avid/f/mtutorials/Streamline-Your-QuickTime-Based-Workflow-with-MetaCheater-and-Avid-Media-Composer_9547.html
- ALE … is an Avid log file format that has become a de facto standard in the post industry. It is a text-based metadata exchange format used in (applications from) telecine to standalone logging applications and is supported by many NLEs on the market today. The Avid Log exchange format is based on a TAB delimited file format and is therefore easily extendable.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_logging
- Video logging is a process in which video footage is watched and labeled according to its content.
- Logging in post-production:
- If a video has a high shooting ratio, it can be impractical to remember exactly where each shot is on each source tape or source file. Finding a particular source shot by searching through hours of video during editing can be time consuming, as well as tie up expensive editing equipment and editors’ time.
- A solution widely employed in the professional industry is to log the content prior to editing. Loggers go through the source video material, labeling it according to its contents with metadata. This data is then available during editing, making the editing more efficient.
- Software based logging systems allow clip lists to be imported directly into computer based editing systems.
- http://www.help.frameline.tv/reference/avid_log_exchange.html
- You can Export Video Segment information to Avid Editing systems by using the Avid Log Exchange (ALE) Export option. This option is available from either File or the Clip Filter. Avid Log Exchange (ALE) is a platform-independent file format primarily intended for exchanging video logging data. ALE files are in ASCII format with data fields delimited by commas or tabs.
- Usage:
- Choose File / Export from the Menu
- Then click ‘Continue’. A ‘.ale’ file will be created in the destination you choose. By default, all Frameline 47 fields are transferred to the ALE file by use of custom fields.
- To transfer the information to Avid, import the ALE File into an Avid Project.
- Limitations
- Due to the nature of the Avid Platform, there are three limitations to the Avid Log Exchange:1. File must have Timecode Track
2. Frame Rate must be either 25 Frames per Second (FPS) or 29.97 FPS
3. Audio sample rate must be either 44 or 48 khzPlease refer to the Avid Metadata Whitepaper for more technical information on Avid Metadata & ALE.
- Due to the nature of the Avid Platform, there are three limitations to the Avid Log Exchange:1. File must have Timecode Track
- http://www.editorsguild.com/v2/magazine/Newsletter/MayJun04/mayjun04_new_ale.htm
- (This article, by Laura Congleton, an assistant editor in New York, is really informative)
- Avid Log Exchange (is) software that cleans and converts almost any shot log into an ALE file.
- A shot log is a list of takes (or clips) on a source tape.
- Since Avid can only import shot logs that are in the ALE format, you must use the ALE program to convert non-ALE files; these include telecine logs and logs you create using third-party programs such as Filemaker Pro, Excel or even Final Cut Pro.
- (Also it can import tab-delimited data)
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