OK so the RAID itself is now accessible to Windows (BootCamp-XP) but since it is formatted as HFS+ the filesystem does not mount as a Windows disk. Reseller helped investigate this further.At first, attempted use of MacDrive 7. a product that (as I understand it) lets Windows apps see HFS+ filesystems (e.g. disks). However after installation, windows kept booting then BSOD then rebooting etc… Exited by forcing a safe boot then uninstalling MacDrive. A query to MacDrive suppliers confirmed it was not compatible with the RR driver:A conflict exists between a legacy HighPoint RAID controller driverand one of the MacDrive drivers present in both MacDrive and XPlay.This issue is known to manifest itself as a “Blue Screen” crash onstart-up, and may prevent the computer from booting.This conflict is not exclusive to our software, and occurs with othervendors products as well.The current workaround recommended by HighPoint Technologies is torename the file HPTPRO.SYS (located on your hard disk) to HPTPRO.OLD,restart the system, then reinstall the conflicting softwareapplication.