- <<32Gb CF card that is approved will …yield 18-24mins.>>
- Surely depends on bitrate
- <<be sure to review the “approved CF Card list”>>
- Recording durations:
32 Gb CF card
– 88 mins of ProRes Proxy
– 40 mins of ProRes LT
– 28 mins of ProRes
– 19 mins of ProRes HQ
>> - Whereas for KiPro (bigger):
500 Gb hard disk
– 1384 mins of ProRes Proxy – 23 hrs
– 637 mins of ProRes LT – 10 hrs 37 mins
– 450 mins of ProRes – 7 hrs 30 mins
– 300 mins of ProRes HQ – 5 hrs
- (Seems like 250GB is standard)
- (And the 500GB disk unit costs about £270)
- <<1080i 25 or 720p 50 Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) = 36 minutes, approximately 56.36GB>>
- <<1080i 25 or 720p 50 Apple ProRes 422 = 54 minutes, approximately 56.67GB>>
- Largest is SanDisk Extreme Pro CompactFlash 64GB