I attended, working on one of the camera units. Had a great time, learnt lots, at all sorts of levels. Even how to make good use of the Movie Slate application on my iPhone! Link: http://www.fstopacademy.com/
Archive for the ‘MovieSlate’ Category
Training: Den Lennie’s “Music Video” Experience
Thursday, October 27th, 2011iPhone 4: MovieSlate
Sunday, September 25th, 2011Movie★Slate is a slate and clapper board traditional movie-making tools for syncing picture with sound, and photographing shot/production info at the start and end of shots. Movie★Slate also provides an easy way to log footage and take notes as you shoot saving you time during capture and edit.
- Documentation:
- http://www.pureblendsoftware.com/userguides/MovieSlate/English.lproj/help_web.html
- e.g. Starting a Take
- To start a take, tap the clapper at the top of the slate.
- Timecode IN, all production info, and camera optics data are automatically saved in History when you start a take. This data can be emailed from the History tab (see instructions below).
- The clappers behavior can be customized from Settings -> Slate Behavior. Choose to play sounds, freeze the timecode briefly, show credits leader/end roll animation, and more.
- Video/Audio Quality ★-rankings can be set during the take.
- Circle Take button marks good takes by circling the take number in the History log. This practice is an old Hollywood tradition.
- End the Shot button saves a Timecode OUT marker with the shot history.
- To start a take, tap the clapper at the top of the slate.
- e.g. Starting a Take – Shot Markers
- (Log footage and take notes as you shoot saving you time during capture and edit).
- Add Shot Marker/Notes button saves timecode-stamped notes during a take. When shooting interviews, this is a useful way to document what remarkable thing was said, and when.
- Build notes from Snippet phrases by tapping the Content/Shot/Movement buttons. You can also enter text with the keyboard. Use the Snippets tab to customize your phrases.
- e.g. Starting a Take
- http://www.pureblendsoftware.com/userguides/MovieSlate/English.lproj/help_web.html
- FAQs/Tips:
- http://www.pureblendsoftware.com/support
- Movie★Slate is a slate and clapper board traditional movie-making tools for syncing picture with sound, and photographing shot/production info at the start and end of shots.
- Movie★Slate also provides an easy way to log footage and take notes as you shoot saving you time during capture and edit.
- Link: MovieSlate Help
- What does M.O.S. stand for?
- The term M.O.S. generally appears on a slate when a scene is filmed without sound. Hollywood legend defines the term as Mit Out Sound.
- MovieSlate’s optional PRO Sync (TimeCode-Sync)
- (Normally) Youll need a camera or timecode generator thats capable of sending and/or receiving LTC (Longitudinal Time Code) over an audio cable.
- My cameras are old DV units or are consumer models with no LTC support. Can MovieSlate’s optional PRO Sync module still help me sync a multi-cam shoot?
- Yes, through additional software available from VideoToolShed. Here’s how:
- Set MovieSlate to output timecode through one of the audio channels and connect from the headphone jack to your camera’s AUX/MIC audio.
- Shoot your footage with MovieSlate running and Sending sync through the headphone jack. The LTC audio signal will be recorded on on one channel of your DV tape. (Please note the obvious: If this cam is handling your main sound then you will not have stereo audio).
- Import the footage into Final Cut Pro or Avid.
- Use VideoToolShed’s FCP auxTC reader software to create an AUX TC track in FCP/Avid and sync your footage with your other cams and audio. http://www.videotoolshed.com/?page=products&pID=26
- Disclaimer:
- We do not have any relationship with VideoToolShed and also cannot attest to the function of “FCP auxTC reader”.
- Please visit the VideoToolShed.com website for more information and 3rd-party websites like Creative Cow for more information and workflow tips.
- http://www.pureblendsoftware.com/support