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Archive for the ‘Gimp’ Category
Gimp: APNG Plugin (To make animated PNG files)
Saturday, January 19th, 2013G’MIC: Image Processing Pipeline(s) Scripting Language
Saturday, January 19th, 2013 GMIC: An Image Processing Pipeline(s) Scripting Language
I found this by accident, but it looks really handy for “industrial-scale” image processing.
- http://gmic.sourceforge.net/
- G’MIC stands for GREYC’s Magic Image Converter. This project aims to:
- Define a lightweight but powerful script language (G’MIC) dedicated to the design of image processing operators and pipelines.
- Provide an interpreter of this language, distributed as a C++ open-source library embeddable in third-party applications.
- Propose four different user interfaces for this image processing framework:
- The command-line executable gmic to use the G’MIC framework from a shell
- In this setting, G’MIC may be seen as a serious (and friendly) competitor of the ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick software suites
- The interactive and extensible plug-in gmic_gimp to bring G’MIC capabilities to the image retouching software GIMP.
- ZArt: a real-time interface for webcam images manipulation.
- G’MIC Online, a web service allowing users to apply image processing algorithms directly from a web browser.
- The command-line executable gmic to use the G’MIC framework from a shell
- G’MIC stands for GREYC’s Magic Image Converter. This project aims to:
- G’MIC is focused on the design of possibly complex pipelines for converting, manipulating, filtering and visualizing generic 1d/2d/3d multi-spectral image datasets. This includes of course color images, but also more complex data as image sequences or 3d(+t) volumetric float-valued datasets.
- G’MIC is an open framework: the default language can be extended with custom G’MIC-written commands, defining thus new available image filters or effects. By the way, G’MIC already contains a substantial set of pre-defined image processing algorithms and pipelines (more than 1000).
- G’MIC has been designed with portability in mind and runs on different platforms (Windows, Unix, MacOSX). It is distributed under the CeCILL license (GPL-compatible). Since 2008, it is developed in the Image Team of the GREYC laboratory, in Caen/France, by permanent researchers working in the field of image processing on a daily basis.
- Main features:
- G’MIC defines a complete image processing framework (provides interfaces for C++, shell, gimp and web), and can manage generic image data as other image-related tools. More precisely:
- It can process a wide variety of image types, including multi-spectral (arbitray number of channels) and 3d volumetric images, as well as image sequences, or 3d vector objects. Images with different pixel types are supported, allowing to process flawlessly images with 8bits or 16bits integers per channel, as well as float-valued dataset.
- It internally works with lists of images. Image manipulations and interactions can be done either grouped or focused on specific items.
- It provides small but efficient visualization modules dedicated to the exploration/viewing of 2d/3d multi-spectral images, 3d vector objects (elevation map, isocurves, isosurfaces,…), or 1d graph plots.
- It is highly extensible through the importation of custom command files which add new commands that become understood by the language interpreter
- It proposes commands to handle custom interactive windows where events can be managed easily by the user.
- It is based on the latest development versions of the CImg Library, a well established C++ template image processing toolkit, developed by the same team of developers.
Gimp: Wavelet-Based (& Other) Plugins for Gimp v2.8
Saturday, January 19th, 2013There exist Wavelet-based filters/plugins for Gimp.
- I wanted such filters for Gimp since experiencing good results with wavelet-based detail-enhancement in RegiStax.
- I was not alone in this desire: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/124475-wavelet-sharpening-which-one/
- Others at http://www.flickr.com/groups/gimpusers/discuss/72157623877664801/ seem enthusiastic also.
- One poster’s impression, from nearly three years ago: <<
Wavelet Sharpen seems better than Photoshop Smart Sharpen, which was the best sharpening tool I had used. (Never tried PhotoKit.)
In this comparison, the GIMP image has sharper Yucca plants, it is easier to read the logo letters on the green shirt, and the file size is smaller than from Photoshop.
>> - But it is of course possible that Photoshop’s “Smart Sharpen” may have improved since then.
- Indeed http://6sightreport.com/2010/04/26/wavelets-sharpen-photoshop-images/:
- Technology for Edge Avoiding Wavelets is in the improved new Sharpen Tool in Photoshop CS5 and its Protect Detail feature
- Indeed http://6sightreport.com/2010/04/26/wavelets-sharpen-photoshop-images/:
- One poster’s impression, from nearly three years ago: <<
Simplest to use are the Wavelet Sharpen and Wavelet Denoise filters. Nevertheless, the following text-tutorial for Wavelet Decompose filter, provides a useful grounding in the pragmatocs of what wavelets are (in our image-editing-in-Gimp context).
- The following tutorial shows examples of wavelet layers, and how they can be combined:
- The following presentation (as a sequence of webpages) give some gentle technical background to wavelets in image-processing:
I stumbled upon the following Forum thread, including a download (Zip file) of a number of filters compatible with Gimp v2.8, including Wavelet-based ones. Here’s the link:
- http://www.gimpchat.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4216
- Download is 20 mb and includes 270 plugins for Gimp-2.8
- (It also includes downloads/advice for MathMap, but ignore those; if you want MathMap then see my earlier post)
Once installed, the Wavelet filters are available in Gimp’s Menu:
- Wavelet Sharpen in [Filters > Enhance]
- Wavelet Denoise in [Filters > Enhance]
- Wavelet Decompose (into Gimp Layers) in [Filters > Generic]
Gimp Plugin: MathMap
Saturday, January 19th, 2013The MathMap plugin for Gimp provides:
- A sophisticated scripting GUI+Language, specialised for graphics in Gimp+MathMap.
- e.g. One can peek individual pixels, run Mandelbrot algorithms, in very concise code.
- An assortment of processing functions written in that language
- A Graphical Nodal filter-application editor
Example Scripts and Visual Results:
- Still Image Effects
- Animation Effects
Video (Screencast) Presentations:
- Demo of the MathMap Composer
- Inaccessible (as of 2013-01-19) since it is a Private video (on YouTube).
- Alternative demo.
- And another demo.
- Introduction to the MathMap Language
- Inaccessible (as of 2013-01-19) since it is a Private video (on YouTube).
- MathMap Cocoa Introduction
- Inaccessible (as of 2013-01-19) since it is a Private video (on YouTube).
- New features in MathMap 1.3.4
- This one is accessible.
Explanatory Websites (BUT see further below for special required installation procedure instructions for Gimp v2.8):
- http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/schani/mathmap/
- Language Tutorial
- Language Reference
- New Language Features in MathMap v1.3 (unstable)
- The MathMap community hangs out at the MathMap Google group.
- There is also an active community on the MathMap Flickr group, where people share images they’ve created.
- You can also contact the maintainer, Mark Probst, directly.
Download & Installation instructions
- http://gimpedtutorials.com/index.php/how-to-install-mathmap-on-gimp-28/
- Really helpful instructions, before I found this I had a confusing mess of forum patches and partial advice, resulting in an installation that only part-worked.
- The problem is, the existing installation solution on mathmaps website does not currently install the plugin into Gimp 2.8 correctly
Update Gimp (2.6 to 2.8)
Saturday, January 19th, 2013I updated my existing Gimp 2.6 to the latest version, 2.8.
- Downloaded the Installer for the latest Gimp version (2.8.2), for Windows (Windows XP SP3 or later)
- No need to uninstall first.
- One immediate advantage of this new version:
- Menu:[Windows > Single Window Mode])
- Hurray, at last!
- Menu:[Windows > Single Window Mode])
Information on plug-ins (plugins) and the “Plug-ins Registry” (a central but non quality-or-safeness guaranteed repository):
- http://gimp.open-source-solution.org/manual/gimp-scripting.html
- Plugins folder (in my case): [C:\Users\David\.gimp-2.8\plug-ins]
iPhone Photos & Videos to Apple Mac iPhoto
Saturday, September 24th, 2011How get photos & movies out of iPhone:
- Mac (Mac OS):
- Plugged-in my iPhone (4) to MacBook via USB.
- The iPhoto app auto-launched, displaying thumbnails of all iPhone’s photos & videos in iPhone’s Photos section (though not those taken by the PanaScout app), and offered to Import All or Import Selected.
Where the iPhone photos/movies go (on the Mac):
- Macintosh HD > Users > davidesp > Pictures > iPhoto Library
- Get Info:
- Size 738 MB
- Opens with iPhoto
- Get Info:
How to get iPhone photos into a document:
- Mac > NeoOffice (3.1.1): Tools > Add-Ons > Show media browser
- Can’t simply insert an image file – no such file exists, they’re all in the iPhone library/database file.
How to get iPhone photos into Gimp:
- iPhoto > Menu > iPhoto > Preferences > General > Edit Photo: Select Applicaton: Gimp
- Can’t simply drag it in, not even by using desktop as a “stepping-stone”.
- Warning: Gimp can “Save” an image back to iPhone’s library, but that image is not then displayed in iPhoto. Possible risk of corrupting iPhoto library?
How to get photos/movies out of PanaScout (an iPhone camera app for cinematographers):
- PanaScout saves images/movies to its own space (library/whatever), but can export to iPhoto library and to other places.
- PanaScout has a Send To button (an outline-box with arrow emerging). Options are:
- Send Email
- Sends using the email account you configured for your iPhone
- Save to Library
- The iPhone Library, that is…
- Upload
- FinalCut, MobileMe, SmugMug
- Send Email
Gimp Update
Thursday, August 11th, 2011Updated to latest stable version,
- [gimp-2.6.11-i686-setup-1(2).exe]
- [gimp-help-2-2.6.0-en-setup.exe]
Also noted & installed GAP – Gimp Animation Package
- http://www.gimpchat.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2286
- Gimp Animation Package or GAP in Windows for Gimp-2.6.11
- How to install GAP (into your Windows version of Gimp-2.6.11).
- http://www.gimpchat.com/search.php?keywords=GAP+tutorials&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search
- Forum with various tips and example animations
- http://www.gimpusers.com/tutorials/create-animated-radar-screen-gap
- Tutorial: Create an animated “Radar”
- Alsoa downloadable copy of the associated workspace, [203-tutorial_radar_with_gap.zip], containing three images (as XCF files).