Archive for the ‘velocity’ Category

AviSynth and Motion-Estimation-Related Processing by QTGMC & MVtools 2

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Looking for some user-friendly top-down explanation of sensible uses of AviSynth.

See Web-Research further below.

I expect to update this post. (more…)

Velocity Remapping/Retiming by Motion Estimation: Alternative Tools

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

What tools are available for this?  What are their relative merits / costs (in all senses)?

  • First I tried Boris RED but encountered issues.
  • Next I investigated AviSynth, discovering two approaches:
    • MSU’s Frame-Rate Convertor (FRC)
    • MVTools2-based scripts; the latter was the more complex but for me it worked best.
  • Next I looked at MotionPerfect, which I purchased years ago from Dynapel back in Standard Definition days.
    • Nowadays sold by Gooder Video
      • They sell version 4.3.1
      • I have version 4.3.0
      • I updated it to 4.3.1
        • That shows a different icon/logo to the Dynapel version of that same product.
        • It works the same as far as I can see.
  • Another day(s):
    • Boris RED (4 & 5) via NLEs
      • Adobe
      • Avid
      • VegasAfter Effect
    • Kronos ??
    • Twixtor ??.
      • Some people claim this is the fastest motion-estimation-based method.
    • Avid ???
      • e.g. locate the (years-old) Avid velocity / warp envelope demo featuring a surfer ???


Velocity Remapping/ReTiming by Motion Estimation: Boris RED: Experiments Continued

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Boris RED 5.0.6: Retiming & Velocity experiments continued.

A new day, restarted the Boris RED 5 (Engine), started a fresh project, altered many settings.

No success.  Always the same issue: if frame-interpolation happens, due to pseudo-increased framerate or pseudo-slomo, then exported frames are in the wrong order.  Only if neither framerate increased nor velocity reduced does it look correct.

I give up until a fix or workaround appears…


Velocity Remapping/ReTiming by Motion Estimation: Boris RED

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Velocity Remapping/ReTiming by Motion Estimation (“Optical Flow”) in Boris RED

Questions (as for any such app / method):

  • Can it do it?
  • How easily?
  • How robustly / flakily?
  • Quality of Result?
  • Productivity e.g. processing time in relation to real-time?


  • Yes it can in principle do it, via the BCC Optical Flow filter
  • However when I tried it I encountered some practical difficulties:
    • Boris RED 4 succeeds in exporting broadly the expected result (e.g. to AVI-VFW-Cineform) but that result has a slight blemish in the form of flickering, as if (possibly) original frames are slightly brighter than derived frames.
    • Boris RED 5 fails to export the result in a usable form.
      • I tried various containers and codecs.
    • I have reported these and other issues, to Boris FX (via their Support Form).
  • For my situation, until these issues are addressed, the question of “Productivity” is academic.
