Archive for the ‘SteadiCam’ Category

FloatCam FC-12 ShowReels

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

I am the proud owner/operator of a FloatCam FC-12, which I just used on a film course assignment, partly as a pseudo-dolly for a tracking shot, and partly for a path-walking scene.   One of my peer-reviewers asked about it.  That prompted me to see what there was on the web about it.  Here I record the main useful links I found.

There are a number of FloatCam demos and showreels on YouTube.  Here is a small selection of good ones I found just now.  And of course their “related” links can be valuable.

Training: Den Lennie’s “Music Video” Experience

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

I attended, working on one of the camera units.  Had a great time, learnt lots, at all sorts of levels.  Even how to make good use of the Movie Slate application on my iPhone!  Link: