Archive for the ‘markers’ Category

Final Cut – Markers

Friday, December 17th, 2010

One of the uncertainties holding me back from weaning myself off Sony Vegas to FCP for real projects is over Markers.  In Vegas I can do everything easily, and routinely use markers to identify cue-points, ideas, problems, all kinds of things.  I use them at media, timeline and project/sequence levels, sometimes promoting them from one level to another.  So how easily can I follow a similar practice in FCP?  Google: [fcp markers]:

  • markerTool
      • markerTool … allows to move markers from clips to the sequence level, from sequence level to selected tracks, moving an arbitrary selection of sequence markers in time, exporting the marker settings to the clipboard and finally creating sequence markers with data from a tab delimited text file.
      • It also does allow to collect all sequence markers from nested sequences.
  • Markers
      • All about Markers in Final Cut Pro, by Sandy on September 1, 2009
      • Varieties: Chapter Markers, Compression Markers, Scoring Markers, Sequence Markers, Clip Markers, and the list goes on
        • Clip Markers are Pink, Sequence Markers are Green
          • …with Final Cut Pro 7:
            • …you can … color-code clip and sequence markers of your own.
            • You can add notes while the clip is playing and when you export your marker list, your custom names are exported also.
        • … default marker is the Note Marker.  This is the marker that is created when you add a marker to a clip or a sequence.
      • Markers can be used for making comments, synchronizing multiclips, adding DVD chapters, and even making subclips.  Usually, markers are placed only on a specific frame, but you can also create a marker with a longer duration.
      • To add markers:
        • …add markers to clips or sequences by hitting the “M” key.  To name your markers or add comments to them, simply hit the “M” key twice.
        • …you can also go to the Mark Menu > Markers and add them from there.
      • Varieties in more detail):
        • Our default marker is the Note Marker.  This is the marker that is created when you add a marker to a clip or a sequence.
          • Wonder if can have different colours for different purposes (e.g. problems, opportunities, suggestions, review status).  Looks like FCP7 might alow this.
          • Ideally would like user-defined type where each type had customizable look (size, colour, font, whatever) and one could filter the display to only show the required combination of types (e.g. via list-of-types checkboxes).
        • Chapter Markers automatically become DVD chapter markers to be used in DVD Studio Pro
        • Compression Markers can be added to tell Compressor or DVD Studio Pro that it should generate an MPEG1-frame during compression.  You want to add these where there is an abrupt visual change from one frame to the next within a clip, to improve MPEG compression.
        • Scoring Markers are used to make visual cues to sync music to and can be exported to Soundtrack Pro
        • Audio Peak Markers, when you have them activated, can show you where in your clips that the audio level should be reduced at that point.
          • Sounds highly useful.  In Vegas I instead preview everything and watch the meters.
        • Long Frame Markers can be added if your clip has long frames that you might want to avoid using in your sequence.